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Of Tea pots and old maids

I turned 30 this year, I didn’t know whether to celebrate it or just take it as another feather in my (wisdom) cap. I didn’t throw a party, actually never had a party on my birthday after my 21st, when my first love Musya threw me the most amazing surprise party ever, with Black forest cake and family and all- back then it was a big thing, I wasn’t expecting it, and he always treated me extra special, so I knew he would buy me a gift or so, but that party is probably the only birthday of mine that I will never forget.

Its 9 years later, and one would think I should be quite at ease with that. I have no worries talking about my age, and I love doing the guess game, and darn if you if you say anything older than 25:-)

I have never been 30 years old before:-). And I am not the kind of person that plans much. I prefer some of my issues handled by experts, so they do the planning. My future finances are in order, I have policies that will take care of my child’s education, I have a life cover, a savings scheme and I am told however much I don’t like to look at my account after payday after those cuts, that one day when I am a bit older, I will be a relaxed human being with little worries about mine and my daughters future.

So I am whining?

Yes, because despite the fact that several things in my life have taken quite an overwhelming direction, which I profusely thanks God for, I still wonder when I transitioned from girl to lady and then sometimes woman. I’m I quickly crossing over the threshold of youth? Have I achieved all that I would have wanted to achieve by this age? Did I even know what I would have wanted to achieve by this age?

I recently noticed that my skin products are not working anymore; I always used Neutrogena for oily skin, now it dries me up, and I am told that happens when you hit 30. I didn’t mind moving over to Normal skin, and it works just fine, but I don’t want to read in between the lines. Pun Intended.

The other day my daughter asked me if I have a boyfriend, I answered the question, and she asked if I was going to get married. I laughed and said, yes, I hope to. You see a couple of friends have got married recently, and she sees their pictures, and we talk about them, and my two cents worth is that she wants to see me in a white (not!) gown.period.

So what does the number 30 mean for me? In many ways it is a celebration. It’s been the toughest year in my life. I have cried myself to sleep several nights, but I have woken up a stronger woman in the morning. I have learned to be independent, but even more loving than I thought I ever would be.

30 has been the best for me in many ways. I have made invaluable friends; I have fallen in and out of love and gotten my heart broken and I have learned to find the beauty and beast within.

I still search and long for many things…however content I may seem sometimes, I have began to like my tea, black.

Tea pots and old maids have began my latest fixation.


  1. Regarding making new friends as you age, someone once told me that after college you don't make new friends because you lose the commonality that comes with growing up.

    I believe they are right because when I look at my circle of friends, I realise that the ones I knew from primary/secondary school are the closest I have got, followed by my college buddies.

    No matter where life has taken us, how far apart we are from each other or how infrequent we communicate, our friendship remains strong.

  2. Ssembonge, thanks for dropping by! Yeah it is true, the circle of friends that will put their hand on fire for you are friends that we have grown up with, we are almost under each others skin.Tight, close knit.

    But It's been a strange year, I made the decision to meet new people, of every race and kind, and I have, great people who have brought to my life perspectives i would nevr have dreamt of.But my circle of friends, who are almost family now, still stays intact.

  3. Happy birthday and welcome to the 30's. Having provided for your daughter's educational and future is your most important goal and you must applaud yourself for the steps you have taken steps to achieve that. Also, agree with you that in life, friends are invaluable

  4. Come on Terryanne! You get to meet a lot of successful, intelligent and powerful men all the time with your job. It should be easy for you to meet potentials who are serious.

    Never thought that beautiful successful women like you had problems finding their Mr. rights. What is this world coming to?

    Keep the faith. God is on your side!

  5. Happy belated, just don't know where to post the presents ;)

  6. @ Tamaku..why am I reading this now! aw aw aw!!!

  7. Sometimes I want so badly to DM and tell you just how much you inspire me #FromOneMotherToAnother. I am sniffing Thirty, and raising the most adorable little girl called Daniella. Was so afraid of 30 because looking at my vision board and how close I Am to it, things were just not adding up or making sense. Had a conversation with God about that and He advised that I take a chill pill eg Rest In Him. Do I feel like I relate with you? Yes, in so many ways. #Motherhood #Ambitions #LessonsOfLife #Pretty5'3Frame and so much more. I did take a plan for my daughter, an education plan and plan to secure more for her future. She hasn't asked me about the white dress *I will not call it gown*, but has asked me for a brother *LQTM*. All in all Am glad to read about your thoughts.I get so encouraged. Thanks.


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