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Showing posts from February, 2012

An open letter to college students ....Polish up.

A few weeks ago I ranted on twitter about how young Kenyans just out of college seeking jobs, or those still in college seeking internships have no clue how to relate professionally. Some responses were angry ones from possible campus students, or just people who have a strong opinion about everything, without critically looking at the issue at hand. (and they're many of these types on twitter) Anyway, last week, I set up a meeting between a young person that's very close to my heart and a friend of mine who runs a top ICT company. It wasn't a job interview, but just a sit down chat so my young friend would get to know what happens in the business, as well as to network and hopefully make a good impression to a possible employer. He had all his papers in order, and dressed well for the meeting, but against my advise, went along with a friend. (who proceeded to ask the secretary if they have openings in another department.) After his meeting, I asked him to write a le...

Dear Sasha

As i was dropping Imani off to school this morning, moments after we've discussed why she can only wear lip gloss when she's over 16, she reaches her school bag and pulls out an envelope. I can see it is sealed with a brown masking tape. It a re-used envelope from a bank statement or one of those formal letters, but now it had her beautiful handwriting, with a few flower drawings on it, well coloured and addressed to Sasha. So I asked about Sasha, who is now her new best friend. I asked her about the contents of the letter, and how she started the letter. She said she started with "Dear Sasha, Thank you for being my best friend". I turned away to blink a tear drop, and I asked her why she was writing to Sasha. She said she was inviting her for her birthday, but was also telling her that this year, her birthday will be held in Kisumu, with her aunt(my sister) and her family. I don't know exactly what it is about that whole experience talking about lett...

Lost for words.....Happy New year..its not that late is it?

The new year started with quite a bang for me. I changed stations, and Im now working with CCTV Africa. It's been an amazing few weeks telling Africa's positive stories. CCTV International broadcasts throughout the world, and I work from the Nairobi studio's which is the headquarters for Africa. We have a one hour News Bulletin, Africa Live , within which I host ' Bizz Africa . every Monday to Friday'. Here's a sneak peak of what we do The new experience has been amazing, you know what they say about fresh starts! Imani is now in Standard One, primary school, and she makes me proud!This morning she was explaining to me the difference between a turtle and a crocodile, and this year, her wishes are that we go to Mombasa and America in December, and she hopes she can finally be able to play her guitar, the lessons have been tough lately, but we're pushing on. My plans for this year? Going Big! Thanks for staying with me through this journey!