The author of my tomorrow Is a man who knows tomorrow’s news He’s smart, slick and quick with his tongue His books tell of a curious mind and he likes his full bodied wine brewed in the folds and valleys that tell stories of Greek Mythology The author of my tomorrow Is a golden voiced story teller He loves the arts and ancient history is his forte Sheba, Cleopatra and Tutankhamun are names characteristic of his lingua Telling of Kings and queens now fallen, Then, names that shook kingdoms But tomorrow he, the author, will be the King of my kingdom The author of my tomorrow Loves to laugh Deep hearty quirky bursts of deep and dangerous loving Stories dotted with triumphant boy tales of starry nights in the village Telling of a past that’s bold enough to desire new memories Tugging at hearts and revving golden oldies into sheer insanity Loving, laughing, and lurking underneath, wanton The author of my Tomorrow Exists in my dreams and I’ve seen him on the street Bu...
Chronicles of a former Business Journalist | Believer of the African Dream | Mother | Lover of Life| Poet